We focus on long-term value by investing to protect your principal (contributions less sales charges and fees) and grants while earning long-term positive returns. Your principal and grants are invested in: 

  1. Government bonds
  2. Investment grade corporate bonds (bonds assessed as high quality by the ratings agencies indicating a strong potential of repaying the loans)


Once your child is ready to attend post-secondary education, you can withdraw your principal. To maximize the value of your RESP, the income that your principal earns over the life of your RESP is invested in higher return securities such as:

  1. Canadian Equity Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
  2. S. Equity Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
  3. Real Estate and Infrastructure ETFs
  4. International Equity ETFs


Our investment approach is built exclusively for RESPs. This means that we invest on a long-term time-horizon to grow the Plan’s assets so when your child turns 18, the funds are available for their post-secondary education.